What movie tonight?

We have a great passion for cinema and how it can be reproduced in your home.
We can help you design following industry best practise then factor the family compromises without sacrificing too much performance.

As apart of our design process we can model and calculate the performance of the room providing appropriate equipment which will meet your film viewing expectations.

For us that means a solution can fall into two categories,

- Media room (family/multi use room)
- Home cinema (dedicated room)

Media rooms

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A dedicated room is always the dream but sometimes it just isn't available in a family home, we can design the room layout so it performs in a similar fashion.

We rely on AV receivers with room optimisation and family friendly speaker solutions paired with high resolution flat screen TV's to provide great performance without sacrificing modern decor tastes.
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Colour cabinets

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Colour covers

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Printed artwork

Our rooms are carefully designed to minimise on acoustical compromises and then calibrated using commercial grade tools to provide the "as the director intended" experience.
We can provide as apart of the design process equipment positions and dimensions so appropriate cabinetry and soft furnishes can be sourced or made to disguise the original function of the room.

The Cinema room…

The holy grail for film enthusiasts, a dedicated room to enjoy as the director intended movie experiences in your own home.
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Our process

We start by measuring the room and find the closest dimensions to an industry recommended reference standard and begin to form a plan for layouts of speaker placements and acoustical solutions which coincide with small room acoustical guidelines.
In your dedicated room we only recommend performance solutions making sure to provide industry recognised reference levels across the main seating positions.
  • Measurement
  • Design
  • Fabrication & 1st fix
  • 2nd fix Installation & Commissioning
  • Calibration
  • Handover
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All of our supplied cinema solutions are calibrated for in room performance to THX/ISF industry standards.

We design, install and commission all of our solutions providing a complete service from start to finish. With THX, HAA and other continuing industry training you can be sure to get the best movie experience available.

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We can design-install-service your next cinema,
please contact us for a consultation.